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Lady Megan

My employee discount at Cheeky Vintage was utilized most recently on this top. I wore it to dinner on Friday and again Sunday. Had I gotten dressed on Saturday, I would have worn it then too but it seemed a wee dressy for laying in bed and watching Season 2 &3 of Downton Abbey. Yes, that's right two seasons in less than 24 hours. Danny was annoyed, especially when I told him given the opportunity, I would leave him for cousin Matthew.
Please note how my hair mildly resembles Lady Mary's signature 'do.

Photography: Awake Your Soul

Any fellow Cousin Matthew admirers out there? If so, please step off. 



  1. I just started watching it and love it - just starting season 2. Matthew is all yours :) Hope all is well!

  2. Important question: have you watched the Christmas 2012 episode...?

  3. STOP IT. You're gorgeous. I love you. Is that weird?

  4. I haven't watched yet, you're making me want to with the whole 2 seasons 24 hours thing! Also can we talk about the back of that top? Sexy mama!

    - Kelsey @ Time Stand Still

  5. Oh heyyyy! Lady Megan bringing some sass in the back! I heart this show. I died a little bit when Sybil did. Could. Not. Stop. Crying.

  6. Love the look and that little sexy back makes the entire look!


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