photo from - no relevance to this post other than I've accepted they're probably gonna announce a divorce soon and I'm heartbroken. =(
Here's what I've been loving on the world wide web lately:
-I'm obviously bias as I wrote an entire post on how I want to have sex with him, but Harry's ice bucket video is hilarious.
-A many of you recall, Danny and I named our daughter after the little girl in the movie Uncle Buck, which just celebrated its 25th year anniversary. (See what the cast is doing now.) "Maisy" (for whom we named "Macy") now is on HBO's GIRLS and plays a pyscho, often going full frontal. So that's terrifying.
- As a life long cilantro hater, I feel incredibly validated by this article. It's genetic, k guys?
-Save the date! This coming Tuesday (August 26th) is the LAST EPISODE EVER of Chelsea Lately! So sad. Miley Cyrus will apparently perform ( weird?) and I'm sure other ridiculousness will occur.
- I've really been making an effort to meditate lately but I'd often find myself sitting there "mmm-ing" and whatnot and not knowing, specifically, what to do. This 5 minute Beginners Guide to Meditation YouTube video breaks it down so perfectly that I'm basically the Dalai Lama now.
-There have been lots of tributes being made to Robin Williams. This one, with genuine emotion and insight from David Letterman, was really good. (But still sad obviously.)
-My friend Jer sent me this Poplove mash-up because he thought I'd like all the Jay Z mixed in. It's so so good you guys. It's not even 8am and I'm ready to hit the club.
Anything I missed? Please enlighten me in the comments.
Download the Headspace app for meditation, it's pretty awesome!
ReplyDeleteAwesome. I'll do it right now. Thanks!