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Ta Da!
Today I'm being featured on MD Anderson's blog, Cancerwise.  Check it out, won't you?


  1. I'm a patient there too! My picture sucks too! AND coincidentally I have NO plans to die EITHER! We're practically twins. :)

    Just wanted you to know that I loved your post and I'll be back for more!

  2. Yay! Going to read it RIGHT NOW!

  3. Read it, and you are FANTASTIC, Megan. I love the glamour shot idea (you should get to feel good when you see your picture), can't imagine how awkward it is to get your nails done now, and love that you thought you got to swig some rum before a mammogram (although it's a fantastic idea...)! Congrats for being featured!

  4. congratulations Megan! it's just great :)
    By the way, I just found your blog and I have to say that I really like it!– your style is original and I read your blog with alot of pleasure. I adore blog like yours so.. I just wonder..if we could follow each other..Please answer! But even if your answer is “no” I’ll be still your reader

    with love,
    your opinion is VERY important for me!

  5. Wow what a great feature :) loved reading it!

  6. Oh my goodness, you're too cute! I work for the American Cancer Society and I read Cancerwise all the time!

    Officially your newest and happiest follower!


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