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A Royal Christmas

Merry Christmas from Milwaukee!

So let's get down to it. How'd everyone do present wise? I did pretty well.

One of my favorite gifts was this fascinator headband from my brother's girlfriend. I've wanted a fascinator ever since the Royal Wedding.

Donning this fascinator makes me feel extremely Brittish and royal. While taking these pics, for example, I felt ultra Kate Middleton.

Later in the evening, I felt very Amy Winehouse. Though, I suppose that had little do with the headband. 

Danny also got a new look, involving his head, on Christmas. As you can see below, it's a nice little gash.

There was a situation involving the balcony door, my brother's girlfriend, and Danny.

If you ask me, his look also has 'royal' roots. Though I'm pretty sure Crown Royal and the Middletons aren't related.


  1. Wow. Cute headband.

    That cut looks pretty bad. I hope he's okay. Happy holidays.

  2. Love the headband - def reminds me of Kate Middleton.

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