Our friends Paige and Ryan recently bought a new dining table and invited us for dinner last night to break it in.
Fish tacos were on the menu complete with a cilantro garnish/sauce type of situation. Because I hate cilantro and Paige and Ryan know this, they made me my own batch of sauce, minus the cilantro, and had it waiting for me at the table. If that's not true friendship, I don't know what is. Hallmark should do a card about it.
I really have nothing to say about this particular shot. Danny just is working the camera in such a seductive manner that I feel compelled to share.
After being out of town and for the holidays, and just consumed with them in general, it was nice to sit down and catch up with the Paige-ster. Because Paige reads just as many blogs as I do, and is actually the one responsible for turning me on to some of my current faves, our conversations always inevitably lead to this. We gossip about blogs and bloggers as though they're girls we attend high school with.
Me: Did you read so & so's post on x? Crazy right!?
Paige: Yeah. Totally. And have you been reading blank? So cool, no?
Me: Totally and did you see (interrupted)
Danny: Ughhhhhhh. Can you guys shut up? Seriously.
Ryan: Werd.
P.S. In addition to being an incredible photographer (check out her site here) Paige has an eye for home décor. I LOVE her crystal salt lamp, seen in the above pic. I plan get my own. Preliminary research has led to me here and here. Let's all rip off Paige together.
Macy was actually a tad fussy throughout dinner which doesn't happen often - in fact this is one of the first times I'd seen her that way. In addition to Danny and I being incredibly lucky to get a baby, we struck gold twice in getting a super easy baby. Macy's fussiness last night however was nothing Aunt Paige (nor Uncle Ryan) couldn't handle.
In conclusion, it was a solid Sunday night. Especially considering the somber absence of Homeland. Anyone feel me?
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