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Trick or Treat

After a week of rain, monsoons, and wearing my Hunter boots to work, the weather cleared up just in time for trick or treating to commence in our Houston neighborhood.

Macy was thrilled.
Our little girl dressed as a ballerina though I acknowledge in these pics she's channeling a cow as she's aggressively snacking on the various vegetation that our driveway produces.
Here she is demonstrating her moves.I made her watch Center Stage all week to really get into character. Clearly it paid off.
Danny's original sign said something cutesy about "Hey Ghouls and Goblins - we'll be back soon". Turns out those words were challenging to spell. His 2nd draft proved less creative, but grammatically correct.

A lot of our neighbors thought Danny was dressed up as Method Man, Dirty 'Ol Bastard, RZA, or any other respective WuTang Clan member. The truth is there was zero thought process behind the shirt other than its was clean. (As it was here.) The cost-per-wear at this point is a mere cents.

Booker ran into his friend, Lucy, who had dressed as a banana.

-Let the trick or treating commence!-

Of course we stopped at Uncle Jeremy's house who's conveniently our neighbor.  Perhaps it's obvious by the look on Macy's face, however, that Uncle Jer had just gotten home from work, didn't have candy, and wasn't participating in Halloween this year. Danny, therefore, invited himself in and ravaged his friend's house for "ice and mixers" instead. 

Good Danny.

Anddddddd she fell asleep. Cuteness at an all time high.

As Macy's night was ending, her father's was just beginning. The "ice and mixers" had apparently settled in and Danny was highly enthusiastic about putting on a skit for trick-or-treaters. He made me ask all the kids if they'd, "seen anything scary lately?"  Regardless of their answer (or age!) he'd knock on the window and do this;

Good Danny.

 And when this guys showed up at the door, I was especially worried for his well-being, Danny being a "true Texan" and all.




  1. When I first saw her costume, the first thought that came to mind was Beyonce's Single Ladies leotard. Naturally. I thought she was channeling her inner Beyonce.
    P.S. Center Stage rules.

    1. OMG - that's way better than a ballerina! Good Call!

    2. I thought the same, being named after Jay-Z and all!

      I had a TON of trick-or-treaters this year. Even though it was pouring down rain I almost ran out of candy and had to start rationing.

  2. HAHAHA! This is so funny!!! Looks like you guys had a great time!!

  3. so adorable! and your husband is hilarious!

  4. These photos are awesome. I love Macy's costume!! Definitely a "single lady."

  5. I tried to leave a comment yesterday but it didn't go through it seems (you'd think a fellow blogger wouldn't have this issue!!!). What I said was MACY IS THE CUTEST LITTLE CHILD I'VE EVER SEEN. These pictures are BEYOND!!!! What a munchkin! xo, Julie


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