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Merry Merry

The day after Christmas is sorta depressing, no? All the anticipation is over. You have to go back to work. You have to live with the fact that your husband bought you an iron. 

Thankfully we have one more Christmas this weekend with Danny's family to keep us from displaying signs of depression. And the NYE celebration with my Dad in The Dominican nips all suicidal thoughts in the bud.
Here are some pictures from our first "Christmas morning" earlier this week when my mom and came to Houston.

Additional highlights from the past few days include seeing American Hustle (the critics were wrong. It was good! Bradley Cooper, wow, just wow), receiving this from my husband (which made up for the iron. barely.) and discovering this web series which I'm obsessed with..

Merry Christmas bitches!

Hang out with me all day.



  1. What a fun Christmas part 1!!!! '


  2. An iron. If it makes you feel any better, one year Peyton decided to hide my birthday present on a stack of clothes on the ironing board- for weeks! When I found it he said he thought he had the perfect hiding spot since I clearly never ironed. Thanks hon, and then he blamed me for ruining the surprise. At least you got the awesome deer head!


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