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Casino Themed Wedding Shower

This weekend my friend Lucy had the coolest wedding shower. I will divulge further but only after showing you the divine blow out that I got for the occasion.
 Good job Dry Bar.
Here's how the casino theme worked;
 photo invitefinal_zps3cdcef9d.jpg
As a guest, I loved not having to think about purchasing a gift. Plus - the men really enjoyed it, as demonstrated by Danny's permanent position at the craps table. Downsides are that if your husband has an old gambling habit, that might be resurrected.
My pals left to right: Miriam, Lucy, Me, Mady.
The only thing I gambled on throughout the evening was how much cab I could drink without being hung-over the next day.

Congratulations to Lucy and John on their imminent wedding and throwing a baller party.

Hang out with me all day.


  1. What an awesome idea for a shower! Wish I could do mine over again...

  2. This idea was a major hit with the boys at my house when I told them about it!
    Double High Five for your blow out lasting 24hrs +

  3. the outfit. the hair. just everything!!


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