Megan and Danny Silianoff
But this is what I do know. I know that Danny needs to not use his special work vocabulary when he comes home at night. I encourage him to get his IT on all day long but when he comes home he needs to speak English. (Preferably Urban Slang English - which is my all time fave dialect.)
Let me give you some insight into what I'm talking about;
Me: Let's go through our closets and bring some stuff to the Goodwill.
Danny: Cool. I can cull through some of my hats and get rid of those.
Me: What the fuck is "cull"?
Me: Honey, look what I wrote on Facebook? Hahaha, isn't that funny?
Danny: Yeah. That's funny. You spelled "weekend" wrong though. You should make a redaction.
Me: Redaction huh? I suppose I could do that….or we could get a divorce instead.
As a comprise, I'll stop using so much Urban Slang around my pad. And stop saying I want to get things "poppin". And calling Danny a cracker.