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for Dummies

I was at the bookstore yesterday, stocking up on some books for my upcoming vacay! Walking to the checkout, I stumbled upon a huge "Dummies" series display.
I have no problem with this series of books. I think the concept is a good one. I even own a few. Danny bought me "Blogging for Dummies." And several Christmases ago my mom bought me "The Middle East for Dummies" when I suggested we go there for out next family trip.
What I learned from this huge display, however, is that the person responsible for coming up with new ideas for this series is becoming a little lax. Too lax. I mean has this person turned down an idea yet???
Really?!! Is this one a big seller? Lot of people out there just looking to raise chickens.
Though if you have this have to get this next one.

You gotta keep all those chickens you raised somewhere!!!!

I got a little confused on this one. I thought this was like "wearing a fedora" for Dummies.
I mean, how hard can wearing a hat be??

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say if you
need this book to flirt, you're never gonna be good at it. You're probably better
off joining the monastery or something. Get a book on that instead.

There you go. Much better.

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