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Greetings from Boston!

As you read this, I'm buttoning up my best Jcrew shirt and popping its collar because I, y'all, am heading to Boston. (Get it?! Because Boston is so preppy.  I'll be here all day kids.)

I like Boston, (though I believe the proper pronunciation is Bah-Stan.) Not only is the home of cinematic masterpieces such as Goodwill Hunting (how do you like them apples) and The Town but its where my alma mater, Harvard, is located. (What? I totally went to Harvard.)

The last time I was in Boston, it was a stop in my cancer crusade, needing to get second and third opinions on my diagnosis. Mass General, located near the famous Beacon Hill neighborhood, gave me great news and I'm sure that has something to do with my affection for the city.

My itinerary this time around involves attending my cousin's wedding (yay!), catching a game at Fenway, and spending time with my extended family. (Who y'all know from here.)

I'll be back late next week and resume blogging then. In the meatime, follow me on twitter and instagram (i'm greetingsfromtx on instagram) as I'll be blowing those up like whoah.

P.S. If any of you reside in Boston, I'd LOVE LOVE some recs on where to eat, drink, shop, whatever!

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