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99 Problem Prints via

Move over Van Gogh, Picasso, Andy Warhol, and.........other artists. (Seriously, those are the only artists I could think of off the top of my head. Sad.) Anyway, move over y'all because last week I discovered my new favorite artist of all time. (Which again, since I apparently can only name 3 artists isn't saying much, but still...)

Her (or maybe his?) name is Ali Graham and she has a daily illustration blog chronicling the life of Jay-Z.  Below are four of my favorite illustrations from the site.

Images, taken from 

Great, right? So funny. So creative. So going to be hanging in my house ASAP! Ali only makes 99 prints of each illustration, making them that much more special and exclusive which is why I need to stop blogging about her site and start ordering. BYE!
P.S. This is not a sponsored post. I'm just a huge fan!!!
P.P.S Thanks Becky and Sarah for putting this on my radar!


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