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Allow me to introduce! I've been working on getting myself a more book centric (is that a word?) site for weeks now and, ta-da, it's here!

-Noteworthy things about -
1. I'm now offering my design services to anyone who is interested! Meaning if you've been contemplating starting a blog yourself, you totally should!
2. Do you belong to a book club? If so, read this.
3. The electronic version of my book on Gumroad is now only $4. That's a steal!

-Noteworthy things about life in general-
1. My book signing with Langford Market is TOMORROW! Please come and drink champagne with me! Bring friends! The more the merrier! My mom will be there - you can meet her!
2. If you haven't entered my Moorea Seal giveaway, you should do so now. It ends at midnight. 

3. New Girl and The Mindy Project return tonight! Hallelujah!

4. I'm selling ad space on my sidebar. $25/month - cheaper if you advertise for multiple months. Email me for more details.

5. My dear friend, Kirsten, from Triple Max Tons, came to Houston and gave our esteemed city a glowing review. Check out her post about Houston here.
That's it! Carry on with your day friends!


  1. Site looks so good, congrats!!! And thanks for the link....hope to see you next time, girly!

  2. I'll be there tomorrow night with friends! Let the champagne drinking commence!



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