A few weeks ago I ran a social media campaign for my pr + creative services company, Mad Meg. The objective of the campaign was to raise awareness about my company online, increase the following of the Mad Meg instagram account, and pick up a few new clients.
To execute the campaign, my team and I sent out roughly 100 packages to my fellow friends, family, business contacts, prospective clients, and print Houston publications. The package consisted of a Mad Meg Sunglasses and a letter (see below) explaining what Mad Meg does, how to participate in the campaign, and the connection of Mad Meg to sunglasses.
Though I sweated it out the first few hours on the day people were supposed to post their pictures and there a few things I'll definitely tweak when running a campaign like this for my clients, it was overall a success. I gained 42 new insta followers and 6 new client inquires within a week.
I won't bore you with further details and results from the campaign. I'll save that for the case study I'm going to post about it on the Mad Meg site. But what I will share with you guys is the personal part of this campaign that makes my heart happy. That being the following pictures of everyone who participated. From my parents, to dogs and babies, to Chris Pratt, to new friends, and high school ones - I felt so grateful and loved to see this compilation of my "framily" (just made that word up, it means family and friends) supporting Mad Meg sure, but really just supporting me. While surely I'll run more social media campaigns for clients, it won't mean as much personally as this one has.
Here are the pics!

*If you're interested, follow Mad Meg on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
*If you happen to be a friend that's reading this and received glasses but didn't take a pic yet - you can still do so or just text the pic to me. I'm gonna do something with all the pics, I don't know what yet, but I'll do something cool eventually.
Have a good one everyone!
I thought this campaign was genius!! Congrats on an awesome launch!! I still need to work on my pimp face. xo Julie