Tonight's the night kids. As written about in Houstonia magazine, Tootsies, Houston's fanciest and classiest store, is throwing a soiree in honor of ovarian cancer. In no particular order, here are the
1. I'm gonna look saucy! Tootsies graciously lent me an outfit to wear for the affair. I felt like Pretty Woman yesterday when Fady, Tootsies Manager, was pulling options on my behalf. Just me, your everyday prostitute, getting outfitted in some serious designer duds. It was THE BEST!
2. I'll introduce you to, Buck, who's not only supes cute, but the director of the Susan Poorman Blackie Foundation. The foundation is named for his mom, Susan, who passed from ovarian cancer last year. I never got to meet her but from what Buck has shared with me, I feel like I know her a little bit, and I want to make her proud with ovarian cancer advocacy, as though she was my mom too.
3. Anna, owner of Manoosh, will be there with her Susan Scarves. (The scarf I'm wearing in the pics below.) They're gorg and the proceeds go to ovarian cancer research. Anna is just 27, from Portland, a fellow #girlboss trying to make it in the world, and someone you should meet. I'll introduce you.
4. MY FAVORITE RESTAURANT IN HOUSTON is providing the vino and food.
5. See previous reason. Vino!!!!
6. I'll be selling and signing my books!
8. Rongrong will be there sketching away! Usually when she commissions a drawing it's around $300. Tonight they'll be free 99.
9. There will be a "build your own jewelry station" sponsored by Agate Ranch + Marfa Jewelry company. What?!! Too good to be true!!!
10. It's for a good cause! The thing about ovarian cancer, and why its such a bitch, is that there is no screening for it. Breast cancer has mammograms. Ovarian cancer has nothing and that's why its so deadly. By the time we detect it, it's often too late. We need to come up with some sort of screening. So shoppity shoppity, cool?
Here's the official invite - it's from 5:30 - 7:30pm.

And, here are a few of the outtakes from the shoot we did last month for the Susan Scarf.
The photos are by Kendall Hannah . (Hi Kendall!)
See you soon!
(And if you can't come tonight, or aren't local, but still want to support, you can buy the Susan scarf here!)
This is rose and Belle , nice meeting you tonight and macy looks like Belle we should have a play date when Belle can walk.