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Kelsey Grammer on Piers Morgan Tonight
Who watched Kelsey Grammer on Piers Morgan last night? Anyone? Apparently my husband is a big Kelsey Grammar fan - who knew? So we buckled down for the entire hour interview. When I asked Danny what show of Kelsey's he liked better, Fraiser or Cheers, he couldn't decide.

I, on the other hand, knew my fave Kelsey Grammer performance instantly.


See? That's obviously a performance of a lifetime. Though I have to admit, Cheers was pretty good.


  1. The fact that people are taking pictures while he's trying to decide whether or not he's got a concussion was hysterical!

  2. haha! I can't help but laugh at someone when they fall...glad he was ok. I'm not a huge fan b/c of how he dealt w/ his divorce from Camille Grammar. She's kind of annoying on Real Housewives but no one deserves what he did to her!!


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