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My Career....Then & Now

When I was little, I apparently wanted to be a waitress. My mom and dad weren't super impressed with the aspiration. (What they didn't know is that I wanted to be a waitress at Hooters. Way more lucrative - give me some credit guys.)

In high school, I was leaning along the lines of being a reporter. In order to practice my skills, I took a class called "ACE". I have no idea what that acronym stands for, probably never did, but I do know I recently came across some footage which I'm going to share with you now.  


Now, I’m assuming you all have the very same questions about what you just saw, so let me go ahead and answer those;

1.  What type of calculator did I use to calculate such an advanced figure in such a short amount of time? It was made by Texas Instruments. 
2. Why would I voluntarily choose to share such an embarrassing video with the world? I'm not sure but it's something I'm exploring with a licensed therapist.
Did you guys like this footage? Because I have tons more! It's apparently my dignity that's not prolific.
*P.S. Fun fact!!!!  Stacie and my sissy were ACE classmates.


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