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Every last Friday in February is known as "Go Texan Day" in Houston and it's become my favorite day of the year. City and suburb wide, kids go to school dressed up in Western gear, companies have chili cook-off contests at lunch, and, ta-da, the Houston Rodeo opens up for business.

Macy on "Go Texan" day.

I loved scrolling through Facbook  and seeing my friends' kids in their get-up as well.
I MEAN, look at these munchkins. 
(Thanks slash sorry Andrea, Lindsay, & Candy-Rag that I straight up stole these without permission. It's fine, right?)

Lots of hard-hitting news delivered in cowboy hats.

"Trail rides" also are a thing on this day which basically means people from all the outlying suburbs get on their horses and ride in to "town" for the rodeo, all somehow meeting up around 5pm making for a festive parade outside the rodeo gates.

But you can also catch them earlier in their pilgrimage at a location convenient for you.
 My Dad (who was in town visiting) and I somehow managed to track down the "Sam Houston trail ride", just miles from my casa, for Macy's viewing pleasure.

Seriously, where do I live? 

I like this cowboy's style! 
It's 5 o clock  9am somewhere!

Macy with her teacher at school.

And just to make Friday even more great for yours truly, my Boxwoods Breakfast club met.  This is a group comprised of Houston's most influential bloggers that break bread once a month with a sponsor who's come to meet everyone in hopes of harnessing some of the influence to their benefit. Friday Vera Bradley came which was fun.

Get my country music star look by buying this Madewell shirt.

Me and my sister wives in our new Vera Bradley shadesI'm wearing the Nylah style in Brown Horn and I believe Julie and Candace are both wearing The Kit Style in different colors. 

That's it for now kids! Hope you're week is great! 

P.S. - My client, Shoes for Little Soles, is giving away a gift card on instagram and you have til noon today to enter! Go on and get yours!  


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